



 Lessons Learned from the Flood Disaster in Industrial Estates/Parks/Zones in Thailand -Based on the experience of the 2011 flood-

作成年度 2015 年度
論文名 Lessons Learned from the Flood Disaster in Industrial Estates/Parks/Zones in Thailand -Based on the experience of the 2011 flood-
論文名(和訳) タイ工業団地における洪水災害に対する教訓
誌名 土木研究所資料
巻・号・回 第4322号
発表年月日 2016/02/01
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM) Hisaya Sawano、Daisuke Kuribayashi、Yoko Hagiwara((未記入))
"The flood that occurred on the Chao Phraya River in Thailand in 2011 was a severe disaster that claimed more than 800 lives and caused more than approximately $40 billion in economic damage (estimated by World Bank). The Chao Phraya River Basin is a flood-prone area because of its topographical characteristics and even though extensive flood control countermeasures have been taken, it is still at risk of flood disasters.This collection of lessons learned was prepared based on the results of an interview survey of Japanese companies carried out in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Rojana Industrial Park in Thailand in November 2012. In order that the extremely valuable direct recollections of local representatives of Japanese companies who dealt directly with the 2011 flood disaster, will not dim now more than 3 years later, this booklet will broadly disseminate “the lessons learned"" based on the results of the survey."


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