Present study intends to evaluate influences of Jamuna bridge on river morphology by means of data analyses, numerical simulations, and to develop countermeasures against side bank erosion. The channel morphology of the study reach is discussed based on the criterion proposed by Kuroki et al. in terms of the flow discharge/channel geometry, on satellite images and on numerical simulations. The numerical computations are conducted by means of a 1-D and a depth integrated 2-D models. The 1-D model describing a relation between the flow width and the flow depth is applied to estimate bed elevation macroscopically. The 2-D model proposed by Takebayashi et al. is employed to simulate forms/changes of the channel morphology in the river reach where suspended sediment dominates. The numerical model successfully generated the braided channel with multiple row bars, and calculated the both case including a bridge structure as well as a counter measure. |