Severe disasters have struck Japan in recent years. Following these disasters, constructionrobots have played important roles in investigation and restoration work in the disaster regions. To beapplied in this way, construction robots require many functions according to the purpose of their use ineach case. There are clear differences in the functions and usage conditions required by investigationrobots and those required by execution robots. These differences will be important when designing andoperating construction robots in the future. This report introduces a volcano exploration robot andunmanned execution system as examples of construction robots used for investigations and executionsrespectively. Based on this, the report organizes important characteristics of construction robots andexplains differences in the concepts of disaster investigation robots and disaster restoration robots.Because they are used in harsh natural conditions and do not have any execution functions, efforts aremade to clarify the fact that investigation robots have to overcome many problems such as mobility.When a construction robot is used, the scenario of the operation of the construction robot (executionplan) is extremely important, and in addition, it is necessary to clearly define the way it will be usedaccording to the purpose of its use and specification conditions. In a plan for an unmanned executionsystem, it is possible to mitigate several strict prerequisite conditions by proposing a well-constructedexecution plan. For example, the execution efficiency of an unmanned execution system can beimproved by effectively using a temporary road. |