The biodegradation of Quercus serrata chips was evaluated by anaerobic digestion under various steam explosion conditions. In continuous experiments, untreated chips (W0) and chips steam-treated at less than 1.0 MPa (W1) and 2.0 MPa (W4) were co-digested with sewage sludge (S1 and S2) taken from two different wastewater treatment plants. The apparent methane yield of W1 and W4 co-digested with S1 (thermophilic) was 261 dm3/kg VS (volatile solids) and 248 dm3/kg VS, respectively. The apparent methane yield of W4 co-digested with S2 was 258 dm3/kg VS (mesophilic) and 271 dm3/kg VS (thermophilic). Methane production was inhibited by W0 due to components released during hydrolysis. The methane conversion ratio of pretreated chips obtained in batch experiments varied from 40.5% to 53.8% (mesophilic) and from 49.0% to 63.7% (thermophilic). The methane conversion ratio increased with decreasing acid-soluble lignin content in the chips. |