作成年度 | 2014 年度 |
論文名 | On the Characteristics of the Slopes with Shallow Landslides Being Triggered by Typhoon Talas, 2011 in the Nachigawa River Basin, Japan |
論文名(和訳) | |
論文副題 | |
発表会 | |
誌名 | Interpraevent2014 |
巻・号・回 | - |
発表年月日 | 2014/11/01 |
所属研究室/機関名 | 著者名(英名) |
Public Works Research Institute | Teruyoshi TAKAHARA |
Public Works Research Institute | Atsuhiko Kinoshita |
Kinki Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism | Tadanori Ishiduka |
Kii-sanchi Sabo Office, Kinki Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism | Makoto Oyama |
抄録 |
On the Characteristics of the Slopes with Shallow Landslides Being Triggered by Typhoon Talas, 2011 in the Nachigawa River Basin, Japan |