This study focuses on assessment of agricultural flood damage in the Solo River Basin of Indonesia. Affected people in the hazard areas are also assessed. For agricultural damage assessment, the agriculture damage is defined as function of flood depth, flood duration and growing stage of crops. Agricultural damage refers here as damage occurring to rice-crops. The flood hazard characteristics such as flood depth and duration are computed by using Rainfall Runoff Inundation Model (RRI Model). The flood damage functions, which are derived by using past flood damage data for the Philippines case, are used to estimate the yield loss in rice-plants due to flooding. The damage assessment is conducted for December 2007/January 2008 flood event case, which was the recorded past largest flood event. The affected people in the different level of flood hazards (e.g. less than 1m water depth, 1-2m water depth, 2-3m water depth and greater than 3m water depth) are also estimated by using LANDSCAN 2009 population data. |