作成年度 | 2016 年度 |
論文名 | Global Flood Exposure Assessment under Climate and Socio-economic Scenarios for Disaster Risk Reduction |
論文名(和訳) | |
論文副題 | |
発表会 | ICWRER 2016 |
誌名 | The 7th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER2016) |
巻・号・回 | 6 |
発表年月日 | 2016/06/05 ~ 2016/06/09 |
所属研究室/機関名 | 著者名(英名) |
Yamanashi Univ. | J. Magome |
ICHARM, PWRI | Hasegawa A. |
ICHARM, PWRI | Y. Iwami |
抄録 |
This paper presents a preliminary assessment of global river flood exposure under new climate scenarios (four Representative Concentration Pathways - RCPs), and estimates affected population on regional and global scales. The main concern is which parts in the Eurasian region can be found as high-risk areas (hotspots) in terms of population vulnerable to 50-year cyclic flood events under the conditions of climate change and socio-economic scenarios for disaster risk reduction. |