



論文投稿 アーマー化した河床への土砂流入による河床表面の鉛直構造の変動が付着藻類に及ぼす効果の予測

作成年度 2017 年度
論文名 アーマー化した河床への土砂流入による河床表面の鉛直構造の変動が付着藻類に及ぼす効果の予測
発表会 2017年度 河川技術に関するシンポジウム
誌名 河川技術論文集
巻・号・回 23 
発表年月日 2017/06/15 ~ 2017/06/16
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
国立研究開発法人土木研究所水環境研究グループ自然共生研究センター宮川 幸雄
京都大学 防災研究所角 哲也
京都大学 防災研究所竹門 康弘
Riverbeds with sediment deficits and stable boulders are referred to as armored riverbeds. Sediment replenishment is one of the effective methods to resupply depleted sediment and detach algae that has overgrown on armored riverbeds. However, there are few methods available to predict algal biomass detachment when fine sediment is deposited after flooding, decreasing the area of exposed stone surface available for algae growth. Therefore, this study aimed to predict the algal biomass per unit area after sediment replenishment by creating a prediction model based on the relationship between sediment heights and exposed stone surface area. From the results, the model can be used to predict algal biomass per unit area. Furthermore, the results show that the flow patterns of sediment mainly depend on flow regime, but the patterns can be managed by altering the volume and location of the replenished sediment.


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