



論文投稿 Applicability of Mathematical Model for Biomass Production by Indigenous Microalgae Based on Cultivation Characteristics at Different Wastewater Treatment Plants

作成年度 2017 年度
論文名 Applicability of Mathematical Model for Biomass Production by Indigenous Microalgae Based on Cultivation Characteristics at Different Wastewater Treatment Plants
誌名 Journal of Water and Environment Technology
巻・号・回 15 2
発表年月日 2017/04/10
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
Materials and Resources Research Group, Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center, Public Works Research InstituteYugo Takabe
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nagaoka University of TechnologyShuji Himeno
Materials and Resources Research Group, Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center, Public Works Research InstituteYuji Okayasu
Materials and Resources Research Group, Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center, Public Works Research InstituteMizuhiko Minamiyama
Materials and Resources Research Group, Innovative Materials and Resources Research Center, Public Works Research InstituteToshiya Komatsu
Outdoor biomass production by indigenous microalgae cultivation with treated effluent is strongly andcomplexly affected by fluctuating environmental conditions and water qualities in wastewater treatmentplants (WWTPs), thus, mathematical models are required to discuss production performance.In this study, five-month outdoor cultivations with CO2 addition were conducted in two WWTPs (Aand B) to reveal cultivation characteristics and examine the applicability of a previously developedmodel to different WWTPs. The limiting factor for microalgae growth in the treated effluent wasdifferent between WWTPs A (carbon) and B (phosphorus). Suspended solids (88 mg/L) in the cultureat WWTP B were significantly lower than those at WWTP A (113 mg/L) due to phosphorus starvationin the culture at WWTP B. Meanwhile, Chlorophyceae dominated throughout the cultivationperiod at both WWTPs. The repeatability of the cultivation characteristics by the model at the sameWWTP in different years was verified. It was revealed that application of the model to a new WWTPis difficult with regard to some coefficients. However, sensitivity analysis to identify the dominantcoefficient affecting biomass productivity in the model and modification of the coefficient based onsimple cultivation experiments resulted in the model being applicable to the new WWTP.


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